Planeta Venus18 ene 20234 Min. de lecturaEnglishIs a totally tobacco-free Wichita possible? This group thinks so.The CDC cites more than 480,000 annual death as a result of smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke
Planeta Venus24 jul 20215 Min. de lecturaEnglishWhen Ending an Abusive Relationship is Not Enough.Many victims of domestic abuse do not realize their mental health is being affected. Some of these individuals are too afraid to speak up.
Planeta Venus29 jun 20211 Min. de lecturaEnglishResources for taking care of your Mental HealthResources in the Wichita Area for taking care of your Mental Health
Planeta Venus11 jun 20216 Min. de lecturaEnglishSelf-Help Groups in Spanish are filling the gap on Mental Health issues. In Wichita, where Spanish-speaking therapists are seldom, self-help groups are the answer for many individuals who are looking for help.
Planeta Venus19 may 20215 Min. de lecturaEnglishAccess to Art could improve mental health for minorities in Wichita.Some communities have been exploring art as a way of improving mental health.